
Cinq Points: A Modern Tribute to Architectural Heritage

Embracing Le Corbusier's Vision through Design

Cinq Points, a brand deeply inspired by the foundational principles of modern architecture, pays homage to the iconic "five points of a new architecture" articulated by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret in 1927. These principles—pilotis, roof terraces, free floor plans, horizontal windows, and free façades—guide our designs, infusing them with a sense of historical continuity and contemporary relevance.

A Publishing Company with an Architectural Core

Founded three years ago by a French architect, Cinq Points is a publishing company that celebrates the art and science of architecture. We design and produce an array of products, including stationery, objects, and games that cater to architecture enthusiasts and creative minds alike. Our offerings are dedicated to exploring architectural concepts while engaging with contemporary fields.

Innovative Collections for Learning and Creativity

Our product lines are designed to disseminate architectural culture engagingly and innovatively:

  • Games: We believe games are a potent medium to spread architectural knowledge, appealing to both young and old with everything from card games to construction sets.
  • Office: The office collection enhances the beauty of architectural drafting, from initial sketches to detailed plans. The Volume collection draws inspiration from urban landscapes and cityscapes.
  • Posters & Cards: Our posters and cards feature famous quotes by iconic architects, serving as daily inspirations from the workplace to the home environment.
  • Accessories: Tote bags and badges become vehicles for spreading architectural messages, blending humor and seriousness as a nod to the architectural community.

Sustainable and Artisanal Production

All of Cinq Points’ designs are crafted in France, with production extending across Europe, emphasizing handmade quality. Our approach results in minimalist, bright, and timeless objects that are as playful as they are decorative, embodying a commitment to sustainability and meticulous craftsmanship.

Explore cinqpoints : A Modern Tribute to Architectural Principles
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