
"Calophylle inophyllum oil? Quesaco?
I was asking myself the same question in 2009! Touche à tout, it was while looking for the benefits of this oil that I discovered the manufacture of homemade cosmetics and that I heard about cold saponification, also called SAF.

Make soap? With my baccalaureate, everyone assures me that I have already done it… so yes, surely, in the form of an equation, so at the time, not very interesting for me – to the despair of my physics-chemistry teacher …

For the pro shower gel that I was, having abandoned Marseille or Aleppo soaps, which are much too drying for my taste, I tell myself that we have to test what we call SAF!

In one week – yes, patience fails me – I equip myself and make my first soap (with orange and cocoa). And There you go ! Like Obélix with his magic potion, I fell into the tank – of soap –!

Totally seduced by this small parallelepiped, I make dozens of them. Self-taught, I want to validate my technique and deepen the subject.

My trainings
In February 2010, I therefore left for the southwest for training dedicated to amateurs with professional soap makers, Leanne and Sylvain Chevallier. I thus validate my manufacturing principles. I repair with a very specific idea in my head, open my own soap factory.

In June 2010, then in June 2011, I went to train at the European University of Flavors and Scents, which offers professional training in SAF soap making.

In the meantime, I made a stint with another professional soap maker, Anja Canals, to whom I owe a lot. Thank you Anja!

In 2015, I trained in natural dermo-cosmetics with Christine Cuisiniez – whom I also thank for these shared moments.

My story
In 2010, I opened my first artisanal soap factory, Savonnerie Maud SIEGEL. The story ends in 2014 for various reasons.

After feeling the blow of disappointment, I decide to transform this "failure" into an experience. Indeed, this first adventure allowed me to learn a lot of things, both from an entrepreneurial point of view (accounting, customer management), productivity (search for suppliers, development of recipes, etc.) and personal.

In 2014, my professional training in soap making was recognized. I receive my Professional Soapmaker Certification, a title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications. I have therefore been a soap maker since 2014.

I went green for 2 years and remade soap just for me, for fun. I also shared my experience with professional or future soap makers. Transmission and sharing are important values ​​to me.

During this period, I tested new ingredients and improved my recipes. Very regularly, I have been reminded by customers who wanted to find my products in their bathroom. At the same time, a fellow soap maker – whom I also thank – put me in touch with a cosmetics brand looking for a contract manufacturer for their SAF soaps. Supported by my family, my companion and my friends – there too, I must thank them more than warmly for their presence in times of doubt – here I am rethinking soaps and cosmetics.

This time, I'm taking my time to think about my project, especially since I'm pregnant.

My two babies were born at the same time, in February 2016."

Maud Siegel, the founder.


From l'Esperluete.com
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